Sunday, March 6, 2016

Beer: A Comparison of Infographics

For my third blog post I am going to compare three different infographics that focus on beer.  Here goes!

My first example is a fairly simple one.  This infographic is clearly made for the beer novice as it begins by giving the definition of beer along with the pronunciation.  The infographic goes on to give examples of various types of beer including Golden Ale and Dark Lager.  The graphic is easy to read and the picture of the beer glass in the middle with the corresponding colors make for a simplistic approach to learning about different beers.  I think the purpose of this infographic is to give the amateur beer drinker a better idea about various beer types in a clear, straightforward way.

Next up:

So this infographic is definitely busier than the first.  Instead of giving us the basics of beer, this graphic takes it a step further and goes into detail about the world of craft brewing.  Clearly the audience for this graphic is one who already has a firm grasp of beer and is ready to learn the ins and outs of actually making that beer.  The infographic gives specific details such as the estimated number of jobs in the craft brewing industry and the total number of U.S. breweries.

And last but not least:

Another beer glass!  This one is a bit different from the first.  Instead of giving us the basics of beer or information about brewing it, this infographic shows the audience what style of beer pairs well with certain foods.  For example, pale lager goes well with chicken.  Who knew?   I think the audience for this graphic would be someone who has a solid handle on beer but needs a little help in determining the best dishes to pair it with.  This infographic is for people who fall somewhere in between novice and expert.

I think the audience for each graphic is different, as is the purpose.  The first infographic is meant for a beer beginner while the last graphic is directed at the intermediate beer drinker.  Each infographic gives a clear picture of the information it is trying to convey.  In each one, the author has a different intention but I think each of the graphics does a decent job overall.  The dark color scheme for all of the graphics is similar.  I am assuming this was done because beer is mostly dark and while I wouldn't normally like the colors, these particular colors work very well in these infographics.  My favorite is the middle infographic simply because it provides a lot of interesting data.  Which one is your favorite?

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